Fixed Deposits
Ecobank Xpress
Mobile Money
WAEC Registration
PDS Prepaid
Microsavings / Susu
As the saying goes, "Happiness is expensive". The uncertainty of today's economy takes away the joy of both the employed and unemployed alike. It replaces that joy with fear and anxiety. The best remedy for this situation is savings. Most financial researches have shown that people with enough savings to fall back on turn to be happier than those without.
People with enough savings always feel relaxed and secured because they know that they wouldn't hit rock bottom in times of job loss, sickness and disabilities.
Walk to our office or call us on our support line; 030 397 5689 and let's help you with a savings plan that fits your budget. You can start with as little as GHS5.00.
Remember, drops of water make a mighty ocean and a journey of thousand miles starts with a step.
  Working Hours
Mondays - Saturdays   ||    7:30am - 9:30pm
Sundays                          ||    11:30am - 7:30pm